Money-Saving Tips for Your Next RV Trip
Whatever your destination, timeline, and must-see activities, make your next RV trip budget-friendly with these 7 tips.

Save on Fuel:
Fuel is one of the largest expenses (if not the largest expense) in any RV budget. Luckily, there are several tools and apps designed specifically to help lower fuel costs, such as GasBuddy, an app for your phone that displays real-time prices at gas stations near you, so it’s quick and easy to find the lowest-cost fuel while you’re on the road.

Refill Propane:
Do a refill rather than an exchange. When you get a tank exchange you are often paying more money for a tank that is only ¾ full.

Meal Plan/Cook Yourself:
It’s no secret that eating in (even if “in” really means outside your RV!) is far more affordable than eating out. Plan your meals in advance and invest in kitchen accessories for your RV (like an instant pot) that make cooking easier.

Regular RV Maintenance:
No one likes spending money, especially on something like maintenance. But regular maintenance is generally much cheaper than waiting for something to go wrong.
Things like roof resealing and winterizing your trailer can prevent damage that will cost $1000s to fix.

Replace Old Tires & Regularly Check Tire Pressure:
Issues with your tires will mean poorer fuel economy and more money out of your pocket. By properly taking care of them, you’ll enhance handling, improve fuel economy and prevent irregular tire wear.

Get Discounts:
Depending on the type of travel you enjoy, there are passes and memberships that can make RVing on a budget a lot easier. (e.g. Explorer RV Club, Family Motor Coach Association, RVDA Canada) that will give you a discount on RV insurance or campgrounds.

Stay for Less:
Many campgrounds offer a significantly discounted rate if you book a seasonal spot for between 3 and 5 months. If you don’t mind parking for a season, getting a seasonal site is definitely a cheaper way to go.
Alternatively, you could choose public over private campgrounds. They can be more affordable in the short term, but may not offer the same level of comfort and convenience.
See the Top 6 Campgrounds in Alberta, according to Google Reviews.
Lastly, you could camp for free on Crown land.
So there you have it – 7 ways to approach RVing on a budget.
Do you have any other tips? Comment down below or send a private message here.
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